So it’s been awhile. How ya been world?
Pardon me while I unbox things, clean out the cobwebs and kick the tires on starting up a new site.
In the past four years, since I’ve written regularly, a lot has gone on. I’ve spent the last four years in county government as a commissioner; a joy ride that’s given me a HUGE insight into the realities of what it takes to get things done, how little power local government really has, and how incredibly little Joe Public knows about their own government. It’s no wonder our country is in the shape it’s in.
On the personal front, the last three years of COVID, Pandemic, Lock-Downs, Emergency Orders, and supply chain issues have just made having a regular personal life something I’ve forgotten how to do. I haven’t written a page in the new book I’ve been wanting to work on, though I’m hoping to change that this year. I’ve been a little motivated lately to want to pick it back and see where my inspiration takes me.
With the world continuing to rush head-long into chaos, the one thing I HAVE managed to make great strides on is getting my prepping more up-to-par. That’s another thing that’s spurred me back into wanting to write. I’m in the mood to share some of this knowledge, and maybe put it into a format where I can make a few dollars doing it. Maybe I’ll do it through subscription-based-content. Maybe I’ll put it into E-book format and sell them in easy-to-consume installments. (That idea literally came to me right this moment. See, writing IS goof for me! I don’t really know for sure yet what I’ll do. I DO know that I’ve been wanting a place to start writing again and my old Carolina Region blog isn’t really the place for it. I’m not the same man I was when I last penned articles on that site and I’d kind of like to preserve that particular piece of nostalgia just as it is.
So I hope you guys (and gals) will hang around for the show.